Forest Management


The Xaxli’p Community Forest employs a unique, kincentric method of forest management – we manage the forest for ecological and cultural sustainability, based on the needs of the Xaxli’p community. Our kincentric value system sees us as related to all parts of the forest. The forest dwellers—plants, animals, microorganisms, soil, and rocks—are our kin.

The XCFC Management Plan includes the Xaxli’p Ecosystem Based Plan and the Xaxli’p Traditional Use Study. The Ecosystem Based Plan is a guide for carrying out ecosystem based forest use in Xaxli’p Territory, including ecological restoration, timber extraction, and development of non-timber forest products. The Traditional Use Study is a guide to ensure that planning and operations maintain and/or restore Xaxli’p cultural resources and activities, including hunting, fishing, and gathering of food, medicine, and textile plants. This holistic approach to forest management is in place to assist XCFC in planning and implementing both ecologically and culturally sustainable land use.


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The forest dwellers—plants, animals, microorganisms, soil, and rocks—are our kin.